Inscribed Bracers of the Eldwurm’s Touch
۱,۷۰۴ تومان -
Inscribed Boots of the Eldwurm’s Touch
۶۸۸ تومان -
Boots of the Eldwurm’s Touch
۴۱۰ تومان -
Pauldrons of the Eldwurm’s Touch
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Inscribed Cape of the Eldwurm’s Touch
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Cape of the Eldwurm’s Touch
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Inscribed Helmet of the Eldwurm’s Touch
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Helmet of the Eldwurm’s Touch
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Quiver of the Eldwurm’s Touch
۴۱۰ تومان -
Inscribed Quiver of the Eldwurm’s Touch
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Inscribed Bow of the Eldwurm’s Touch
۸۵۲ تومان -
Bow of the Eldwurm’s Touch
۸۴۴ تومان